Saturday, April 11, 2020

Need for Sustainable Growth & Development

Need for Sustainable Growth & Development

The world has come to a standstill and the humans are facing tough challenges due to the ongoing epidemic of a virus outbreak.

The speed at which Humans have been moving ahead in the name of development and progress has put the entire globe at degradation in terms of environment, ecosystem, etc.

A simple virus creating an outbreak in the entire world should be taken as an indication and a lesson. It is an indication that what a single issue can bring the whole world to a standstill.

Now, imagine what disaster can human created problems such as Climate change, Global warming, etc., cause to us on a much larger scale than this.

Incidences such as air quality improving, wildlife roaming on streets, birds moving freely, etc., is a sign that we had been interfering with nature at extreme levels and is important to give the Earth back what it truly deserves. 

Another sign of change is the happiness in humans who have been resting from the fast race of competition, which shows the need of slowing down its hunger for moving ahead and sustain this happiness for a long term.

Activities undertaken for the so called Development such as, Cutting down trees, causing air and water pollution on a larger scale, killing wildlife, changing crop growing systems and many other such activities, will cause a much more deadlier situation for the human mankind to deal with and will take us down quickly.

To avoid such situation in near future, it is still not late to realize the importance of Sustainable Development. 

I agree that, in order to evolve and become better, it is necessary to develop. But is important and high time that we not just Develop but Develop Sustainably.

Leaving the nature to run on its own, is the need of the hour action that has to be undertaken to  maintain the stability and balance,for every living being on this planet to live happily.

So let us all decide and start our Journey towards Sustainable Development in order to have a Healthy and a Happy life in future.

Prithviraj Khandelwal

Sustainable Developer
Sustainable Earth Products
8237829150 / 9371121220

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